Thursday, May 02, 2024
Phil Joseph
Branch Manager
Sr. Mortgage Loan Originator
Over 30 Years' Experience
Movement Mortgage 
Rancho Bernardo Branch
11770 Bernardo Plaza Court #451
San Diego California 92128

Direct: 619.507.3558
Fax: 858.430.2557
NMLS# 249549
Licensed in California by the Department  of Business
Oversight under the Residential Mortgage Lending Act 417-0015 
Movement Mortgage may not be the lender for all products offered on this website. Some loans may be made by a lender with whom American Pacific has a business relationship. Equal Housing Opportunity.

Credit Grades

Mortgage companies often grade your loan based on certain credit related items such as payment history, amount of debt payments, bankruptcies, equity position, and your credit score. Below is a guide to help you estimate your credit grade. This is only a guide as many companies have exceptions that may result in more strict or more lenient guidelines.

A General Guide to B, C & D Credit Grades

Quality Level Credit Score Debt Ratio Max LTV Ratio History for Credit Type # of times # of days Within last Typical Additional Requirements
A+ to A- 670+ 660 28/38 To 95% Mortgage Installment/Revolving 0
0 - 1
0 - 1
24 mo
12 to 24 months
Good/excellent credit during last 2 to 5 years. No bankruptcy within the last 2 to 10 years.
B+ to B- 620 50 75 - 85 Mortgage Installment/Revolving 2 - 3
2 - 4
0 - 2
12 mo
12 mo
12 mo
No 60-day mortgage lates. 24 - 48 mos since bankrupt discharge. Higher number of rolling rates may be allowed.
C+ to C- 580 55 75 Mortgage Installment/Revolving 3 - 4
0 - 2
4 - 6
2 - 4
12 mo
12 mo
12 mo
12 mo
12 - 24 mos since bankrupt discharge. High "rolling" rates allowable.
D+ to D- 550 60 65 - 70 Mortgage Installment/Revolving 2 - 6
1 - 2
12 mo
12 mo
Bankruptcy discharge within last 12 months. Judgements to be paid w/ loan proceeds. Not in foreclosure.
Poor payment record with limited 90 day, isolated 120 day
E 520- 65 50-65 Mortgage Installment/Revolving  Poor payment record with a pattern of 30, 60, and 90+ rates Possible current bankruptcy, foreclosure Stable current employment

The figures shown here are estimates. When trying to figure your credit grade, keep in mind the following principles:

  • Other Things Being Equal
    When your have bad credit, all of the other aspects of the loan need to be in order. Equity, stability, income, documentation, and assets play a larger role in the approval decision.
  • Worst Case Scenario
    When determining your grade, various combinations are allowed, but the worst case will push your grade to a lower credit guide. Late mortgage payments and bankruptcies are the most important.
  • Going Once, Going Twice
    Credit patterns are very important. A high number of recent inquiries and more than a few outstanding loans may signal a problem. A "willingness to pay" is important, thus late payments in the same time period is better than random late payments as they signal an effort to pay even after falling behind.